Non tarpare

Nov 2020, Watercolour on paper, 20,2 x 29,5 cm

10% will be donated to Associação Coração Amarelo to contribute to their commitment in the fight against social isolation and loneliness.


“Tendre vers l’amour inconditionnel et universel”

“Il nous faudra bien répondre à notre véritable vocation qui n’est pas de produire et de consommer sans fin mais d’aimer, d’admirer et de prendre soin de la vie sous toutes ses formes”

“Strive for unconditional and universal love”

“We will have to respond to our true vocation which is not to endlessly produce and consume but to love, admire and take care of life in all its forms”

Quote by Pierre RABHI  sent by

Monique Geoffroy

Briant, France


Title: “Non tarpare”

Date: Nov 2020

Measures: 20,2 x 29,5 cm

Location: @artist’s studio

See it on Instagram

Price: 100€

Price includes taxes and shipping.